Class: ReadStEthHyperdrive
• new ReadStEthHyperdrive(options
): ReadStEthHyperdrive
Name | Type |
options | ReadStEthHyperdriveOptions |
readStEthHyperdriveMixin( ReadHyperdrive, ).constructor
Defined in
• Readonly
contract: CachedReadContract
<readonly [{ inputs
: readonly [] ; name
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "bytes32"
; name
: ""
; type
: "bytes32"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_contribution"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_minLpSharePrice"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_minApr"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_maxApr"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { components
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "destination"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "asBase"
; type
: "bool"
}, { internalType
: "bytes"
; name
: "extraData"
; type
: "bytes"
}] ; internalType
: "struct IHyperdrive.Options"
; name
: "_options"
; type
: "tuple"
}] ; name
: "addLiquidity"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "lpShares"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; stateMutability
: "payable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "tokenId"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "address"
; name
: "owner"
; type
: "address"
}] ; name
: "balanceOf"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: ""
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "baseToken"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: ""
; type
: "address"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "from"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "address"
; name
: "to"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "uint256[]"
; name
: "ids"
; type
: "uint256[]"
}, { internalType
: "uint256[]"
; name
: "values"
; type
: "uint256[]"
}] ; name
: "batchTransferFrom"
; outputs
: readonly [] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_checkpointTime"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_maxIterations"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "checkpoint"
; outputs
: readonly [] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_maturityTime"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_bondAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_minOutput"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { components
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "destination"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "asBase"
; type
: "bool"
}, { internalType
: "bytes"
; name
: "extraData"
; type
: "bytes"
}] ; internalType
: "struct IHyperdrive.Options"
; name
: "_options"
; type
: "tuple"
}] ; name
: "closeLong"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "proceeds"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_maturityTime"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_bondAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_minOutput"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { components
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "destination"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "asBase"
; type
: "bool"
}, { internalType
: "bytes"
; name
: "extraData"
; type
: "bytes"
}] ; internalType
: "struct IHyperdrive.Options"
; name
: "_options"
; type
: "tuple"
}] ; name
: "closeShort"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "proceeds"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ components
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "destination"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "asBase"
; type
: "bool"
}, { internalType
: "bytes"
; name
: "extraData"
; type
: "bytes"
}] ; internalType
: "struct IHyperdrive.Options"
; name
: "_options"
; type
: "tuple"
}] ; name
: "collectGovernanceFee"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "proceeds"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "decimals"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint8"
; name
: ""
; type
: "uint8"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "domainSeparator"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "bytes32"
; name
: ""
; type
: "bytes32"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_checkpointTime"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "getCheckpoint"
; outputs
: readonly [{ components
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint128"
; name
: "vaultSharePrice"
; type
: "uint128"
}] ; internalType
: "struct IHyperdrive.Checkpoint"
; name
: ""
; type
: "tuple"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_checkpointTime"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "getCheckpointExposure"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "int256"
; name
: ""
; type
: "int256"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "getMarketState"
; outputs
: readonly [{ components
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint128"
; name
: "shareReserves"
; type
: "uint128"
}, { internalType
: "uint128"
; name
: "bondReserves"
; type
: "uint128"
}, { internalType
: "uint128"
; name
: "longExposure"
; type
: "uint128"
}, { internalType
: "uint128"
; name
: "longsOutstanding"
; type
: "uint128"
}, { internalType
: "int128"
; name
: "shareAdjustment"
; type
: "int128"
}, { internalType
: "uint128"
; name
: "shortsOutstanding"
; type
: "uint128"
}, { internalType
: "uint128"
; name
: "longAverageMaturityTime"
; type
: "uint128"
}, { internalType
: "uint128"
; name
: "shortAverageMaturityTime"
; type
: "uint128"
}, { internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "isInitialized"
; type
: "bool"
}, { internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "isPaused"
; type
: "bool"
}, { internalType
: "uint112"
; name
: "zombieBaseProceeds"
; type
: "uint112"
}, { internalType
: "uint128"
; name
: "zombieShareReserves"
; type
: "uint128"
}] ; internalType
: "struct IHyperdrive.MarketState"
; name
: ""
; type
: "tuple"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "getPoolConfig"
; outputs
: readonly [{ components
: readonly [{ internalType
: "contract IERC20"
; name
: "baseToken"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "contract IERC20"
; name
: "vaultSharesToken"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "address"
; name
: "linkerFactory"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "bytes32"
; name
: "linkerCodeHash"
; type
: "bytes32"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "initialVaultSharePrice"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "minimumShareReserves"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "minimumTransactionAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "positionDuration"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "checkpointDuration"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "timeStretch"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "address"
; name
: "governance"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "address"
; name
: "feeCollector"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "address"
; name
: "sweepCollector"
; type
: "address"
}, { components
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "curve"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "flat"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "governanceLP"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "governanceZombie"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; internalType
: "struct IHyperdrive.Fees"
; name
: "fees"
; type
: "tuple"
}] ; internalType
: "struct IHyperdrive.PoolConfig"
; name
: ""
; type
: "tuple"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "getPoolInfo"
; outputs
: readonly [{ components
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "shareReserves"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "int256"
; name
: "shareAdjustment"
; type
: "int256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "zombieBaseProceeds"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "zombieShareReserves"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "bondReserves"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "lpTotalSupply"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "vaultSharePrice"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "longsOutstanding"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "longAverageMaturityTime"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "shortsOutstanding"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "shortAverageMaturityTime"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "withdrawalSharesReadyToWithdraw"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "withdrawalSharesProceeds"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "lpSharePrice"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "longExposure"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; internalType
: "struct IHyperdrive.PoolInfo"
; name
: ""
; type
: "tuple"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "getUncollectedGovernanceFees"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: ""
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "getWithdrawPool"
; outputs
: readonly [{ components
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint128"
; name
: "readyToWithdraw"
; type
: "uint128"
}, { internalType
: "uint128"
; name
: "proceeds"
; type
: "uint128"
}] ; internalType
: "struct IHyperdrive.WithdrawPool"
; name
: ""
; type
: "tuple"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_contribution"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_apr"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { components
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "destination"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "asBase"
; type
: "bool"
}, { internalType
: "bytes"
; name
: "extraData"
; type
: "bytes"
}] ; internalType
: "struct IHyperdrive.Options"
; name
: "_options"
; type
: "tuple"
}] ; name
: "initialize"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "lpShares"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; stateMutability
: "payable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "owner"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "address"
; name
: "spender"
; type
: "address"
}] ; name
: "isApprovedForAll"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "bool"
; name
: ""
; type
: "bool"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "_account"
; type
: "address"
}] ; name
: "isPauser"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "bool"
; name
: ""
; type
: "bool"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256[]"
; name
: "_slots"
; type
: "uint256[]"
}] ; name
: "load"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "bytes32[]"
; name
: ""
; type
: "bytes32[]"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "tokenId"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "name"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "string"
; name
: ""
; type
: "string"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "owner"
; type
: "address"
}] ; name
: "nonces"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: ""
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_amount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_minOutput"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_minVaultSharePrice"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { components
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "destination"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "asBase"
; type
: "bool"
}, { internalType
: "bytes"
; name
: "extraData"
; type
: "bytes"
}] ; internalType
: "struct IHyperdrive.Options"
; name
: "_options"
; type
: "tuple"
}] ; name
: "openLong"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "maturityTime"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "bondProceeds"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; stateMutability
: "payable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_bondAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_maxDeposit"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_minVaultSharePrice"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { components
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "destination"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "asBase"
; type
: "bool"
}, { internalType
: "bytes"
; name
: "extraData"
; type
: "bytes"
}] ; internalType
: "struct IHyperdrive.Options"
; name
: "_options"
; type
: "tuple"
}] ; name
: "openShort"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "maturityTime"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "deposit"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; stateMutability
: "payable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "_status"
; type
: "bool"
}] ; name
: "pause"
; outputs
: readonly [] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "tokenId"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "address"
; name
: "owner"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "address"
; name
: "spender"
; type
: "address"
}] ; name
: "perTokenApprovals"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: ""
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "owner"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "address"
; name
: "spender"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "_approved"
; type
: "bool"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "deadline"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint8"
; name
: "v"
; type
: "uint8"
}, { internalType
: "bytes32"
; name
: "r"
; type
: "bytes32"
}, { internalType
: "bytes32"
; name
: "s"
; type
: "bytes32"
}] ; name
: "permitForAll"
; outputs
: readonly [] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_withdrawalShares"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_minOutputPerShare"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { components
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "destination"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "asBase"
; type
: "bool"
}, { internalType
: "bytes"
; name
: "extraData"
; type
: "bytes"
}] ; internalType
: "struct IHyperdrive.Options"
; name
: "_options"
; type
: "tuple"
}] ; name
: "redeemWithdrawalShares"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "proceeds"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "withdrawalSharesRedeemed"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_lpShares"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "_minOutputPerShare"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { components
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "destination"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "asBase"
; type
: "bool"
}, { internalType
: "bytes"
; name
: "extraData"
; type
: "bytes"
}] ; internalType
: "struct IHyperdrive.Options"
; name
: "_options"
; type
: "tuple"
}] ; name
: "removeLiquidity"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "proceeds"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "withdrawalShares"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "tokenID"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "address"
; name
: "operator"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "amount"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "setApproval"
; outputs
: readonly [] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "tokenID"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "address"
; name
: "operator"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "amount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "address"
; name
: "caller"
; type
: "address"
}] ; name
: "setApprovalBridge"
; outputs
: readonly [] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "operator"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "approved"
; type
: "bool"
}] ; name
: "setApprovalForAll"
; outputs
: readonly [] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "_who"
; type
: "address"
}] ; name
: "setFeeCollector"
; outputs
: readonly [] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "_who"
; type
: "address"
}] ; name
: "setGovernance"
; outputs
: readonly [] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "who"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "status"
; type
: "bool"
}] ; name
: "setPauser"
; outputs
: readonly [] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: "_who"
; type
: "address"
}] ; name
: "setSweepCollector"
; outputs
: readonly [] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "contract IERC20"
; name
: "_target"
; type
: "address"
}] ; name
: "sweep"
; outputs
: readonly [] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "tokenId"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "symbol"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "string"
; name
: ""
; type
: "string"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "target0"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: ""
; type
: "address"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "target1"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: ""
; type
: "address"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "target2"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: ""
; type
: "address"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "target3"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: ""
; type
: "address"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "target4"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: ""
; type
: "address"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "tokenId"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "totalSupply"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: ""
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "tokenID"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "address"
; name
: "from"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "address"
; name
: "to"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "amount"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "transferFrom"
; outputs
: readonly [] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "tokenID"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "address"
; name
: "from"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "address"
; name
: "to"
; type
: "address"
}, { internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "amount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { internalType
: "address"
; name
: "caller"
; type
: "address"
}] ; name
: "transferFromBridge"
; outputs
: readonly [] ; stateMutability
: "nonpayable"
; type
: "function"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "vaultSharesToken"
; outputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "address"
; name
: ""
; type
: "address"
}] ; stateMutability
: "view"
; type
: "function"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "provider"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "lpAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "baseAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "vaultShareAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "asBase"
; type
: "bool"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "lpSharePrice"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "AddLiquidity"
; type
: "event"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "owner"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "spender"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "value"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "Approval"
; type
: "event"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "account"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "operator"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "approved"
; type
: "bool"
}] ; name
: "ApprovalForAll"
; type
: "event"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "trader"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "destination"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: true
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "assetId"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "maturityTime"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "baseAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "vaultShareAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "asBase"
; type
: "bool"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "bondAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "CloseLong"
; type
: "event"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "trader"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "destination"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: true
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "assetId"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "maturityTime"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "baseAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "vaultShareAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "asBase"
; type
: "bool"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "basePayment"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "bondAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "CloseShort"
; type
: "event"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "collector"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "fees"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "CollectGovernanceFee"
; type
: "event"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: true
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "checkpointTime"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "checkpointVaultSharePrice"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "vaultSharePrice"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "maturedShorts"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "maturedLongs"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "lpSharePrice"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "CreateCheckpoint"
; type
: "event"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "newFeeCollector"
; type
: "address"
}] ; name
: "FeeCollectorUpdated"
; type
: "event"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "newGovernance"
; type
: "address"
}] ; name
: "GovernanceUpdated"
; type
: "event"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "provider"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "lpAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "baseAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "vaultShareAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "asBase"
; type
: "bool"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "apr"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "Initialize"
; type
: "event"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "trader"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: true
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "assetId"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "maturityTime"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "baseAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "vaultShareAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "asBase"
; type
: "bool"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "bondAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "OpenLong"
; type
: "event"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "trader"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: true
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "assetId"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "maturityTime"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "baseAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "vaultShareAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "asBase"
; type
: "bool"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "baseProceeds"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "bondAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "OpenShort"
; type
: "event"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: false
; internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "isPaused"
; type
: "bool"
}] ; name
: "PauseStatusUpdated"
; type
: "event"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "newPauser"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "status"
; type
: "bool"
}] ; name
: "PauserUpdated"
; type
: "event"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "provider"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "destination"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "withdrawalShareAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "baseAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "vaultShareAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "asBase"
; type
: "bool"
}] ; name
: "RedeemWithdrawalShares"
; type
: "event"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "provider"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "destination"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "lpAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "baseAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "vaultShareAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "bool"
; name
: "asBase"
; type
: "bool"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "withdrawalShareAmount"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "lpSharePrice"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "RemoveLiquidity"
; type
: "event"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "collector"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "target"
; type
: "address"
}] ; name
: "Sweep"
; type
: "event"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "newSweepCollector"
; type
: "address"
}] ; name
: "SweepCollectorUpdated"
; type
: "event"
}, { anonymous
: false
; inputs
: readonly [{ indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "operator"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "from"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: true
; internalType
: "address"
; name
: "to"
; type
: "address"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "id"
; type
: "uint256"
}, { indexed
: false
; internalType
: "uint256"
; name
: "value"
; type
: "uint256"
}] ; name
: "TransferSingle"
; type
: "event"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "BatchInputLengthMismatch"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "BelowMinimumContribution"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "DecreasedPresentValueWhenAddingLiquidity"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "DistributeExcessIdleFailed"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "ExpInvalidExponent"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "ExpiredDeadline"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "InsufficientBalance"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "InsufficientLiquidity"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "InvalidApr"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "InvalidCheckpointTime"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "InvalidERC20Bridge"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "InvalidFeeDestination"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "InvalidInitialVaultSharePrice"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "InvalidLPSharePrice"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "InvalidPresentValue"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "InvalidSignature"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "InvalidTimestamp"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "LnInvalidInput"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "MinimumSharePrice"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "MinimumTransactionAmount"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "NotPayable"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "OutputLimit"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "PoolAlreadyInitialized"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "PoolIsPaused"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "RestrictedZeroAddress"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [{ internalType
: "bytes"
; name
: "data"
; type
: "bytes"
}] ; name
: "ReturnData"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "SweepFailed"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "TransferFailed"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "Unauthorized"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "UnexpectedSuccess"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "UnsafeCastToInt128"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "UnsafeCastToInt256"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "UnsafeCastToUint112"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "UnsafeCastToUint128"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "UnsupportedToken"
; type
: "error"
}, { inputs
: readonly [] ; name
: "UpdateLiquidityFailed"
; type
: "error"
Inherited from
readStEthHyperdriveMixin( ReadHyperdrive, ).contract
Defined in
• contractFactory: ReadContractFactory
Inherited from
readStEthHyperdriveMixin( ReadHyperdrive, ).contractFactory
Defined in
• isUsingSharesAccounting: boolean
if arguments and return values should be treated as shares, false
if they should be treated as stETH public balances.
Inherited from
readStEthHyperdriveMixin( ReadHyperdrive, ).isUsingSharesAccounting
Defined in
• name: string
Inherited from
readStEthHyperdriveMixin( ReadHyperdrive, ).name
Defined in
• network: Network
Inherited from
readStEthHyperdriveMixin( ReadHyperdrive, ).network
Defined in
▸ getBaseToken(options?
): Promise
Get a model of ETH, the base token for this Hyperdrive instance.
Name | Type |
options? | ContractReadOptions |
Inherited from
readStEthHyperdriveMixin( ReadHyperdrive, ).getBaseToken
Defined in
▸ getBaseToken(): Promise
| ReadEth
Returns the base token of the pool.
Inherited from
readStEthHyperdriveMixin( ReadHyperdrive, ).getBaseToken
Defined in
▸ getCheckpoint(«destructured»
): Promise
<{ vaultSharePrice
: bigint
Name | Type |
«destructured» | Object |
› checkpointId | bigint |
› options? | ContractReadOptions |
<{ vaultSharePrice
: bigint
Inherited from
readStEthHyperdriveMixin( ReadHyperdrive, ).getCheckpoint
Defined in
▸ getCheckpointEvents(options?
): Promise
Name | Type |
options? | ContractGetEventsOptions <readonly [{ inputs : readonly [] ; name : "PERMIT_TYPEHASH" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "bytes32" ; name : "" ; type : "bytes32" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_contribution" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_minLpSharePrice" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_minApr" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_maxApr" ; type : "uint256" }, { components : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "destination" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "bool" ; name : "asBase" ; type : "bool" }, { internalType : "bytes" ; name : "extraData" ; type : "bytes" }] ; internalType : "struct IHyperdrive.Options" ; name : "_options" ; type : "tuple" }] ; name : "addLiquidity" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "lpShares" ; type : "uint256" }] ; stateMutability : "payable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "tokenId" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "address" ; name : "owner" ; type : "address" }] ; name : "balanceOf" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "" ; type : "uint256" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "baseToken" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "" ; type : "address" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "from" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "address" ; name : "to" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "uint256[]" ; name : "ids" ; type : "uint256[]" }, { internalType : "uint256[]" ; name : "values" ; type : "uint256[]" }] ; name : "batchTransferFrom" ; outputs : readonly [] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_checkpointTime" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_maxIterations" ; type : "uint256" }] ; name : "checkpoint" ; outputs : readonly [] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_maturityTime" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_bondAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_minOutput" ; type : "uint256" }, { components : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "destination" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "bool" ; name : "asBase" ; type : "bool" }, { internalType : "bytes" ; name : "extraData" ; type : "bytes" }] ; internalType : "struct IHyperdrive.Options" ; name : "_options" ; type : "tuple" }] ; name : "closeLong" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "proceeds" ; type : "uint256" }] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_maturityTime" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_bondAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_minOutput" ; type : "uint256" }, { components : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "destination" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "bool" ; name : "asBase" ; type : "bool" }, { internalType : "bytes" ; name : "extraData" ; type : "bytes" }] ; internalType : "struct IHyperdrive.Options" ; name : "_options" ; type : "tuple" }] ; name : "closeShort" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "proceeds" ; type : "uint256" }] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ components : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "destination" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "bool" ; name : "asBase" ; type : "bool" }, { internalType : "bytes" ; name : "extraData" ; type : "bytes" }] ; internalType : "struct IHyperdrive.Options" ; name : "_options" ; type : "tuple" }] ; name : "collectGovernanceFee" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "proceeds" ; type : "uint256" }] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "decimals" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint8" ; name : "" ; type : "uint8" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "domainSeparator" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "bytes32" ; name : "" ; type : "bytes32" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_checkpointTime" ; type : "uint256" }] ; name : "getCheckpoint" ; outputs : readonly [{ components : readonly [{ internalType : "uint128" ; name : "vaultSharePrice" ; type : "uint128" }] ; internalType : "struct IHyperdrive.Checkpoint" ; name : "" ; type : "tuple" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_checkpointTime" ; type : "uint256" }] ; name : "getCheckpointExposure" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "int256" ; name : "" ; type : "int256" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "getMarketState" ; outputs : readonly [{ components : readonly [{ internalType : "uint128" ; name : "shareReserves" ; type : "uint128" }, { internalType : "uint128" ; name : "bondReserves" ; type : "uint128" }, { internalType : "uint128" ; name : "longExposure" ; type : "uint128" }, { internalType : "uint128" ; name : "longsOutstanding" ; type : "uint128" }, { internalType : "int128" ; name : "shareAdjustment" ; type : "int128" }, { internalType : "uint128" ; name : "shortsOutstanding" ; type : "uint128" }, { internalType : "uint128" ; name : "longAverageMaturityTime" ; type : "uint128" }, { internalType : "uint128" ; name : "shortAverageMaturityTime" ; type : "uint128" }, { internalType : "bool" ; name : "isInitialized" ; type : "bool" }, { internalType : "bool" ; name : "isPaused" ; type : "bool" }, { internalType : "uint112" ; name : "zombieBaseProceeds" ; type : "uint112" }, { internalType : "uint128" ; name : "zombieShareReserves" ; type : "uint128" }] ; internalType : "struct IHyperdrive.MarketState" ; name : "" ; type : "tuple" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "getPoolConfig" ; outputs : readonly [{ components : readonly [{ internalType : "contract IERC20" ; name : "baseToken" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "contract IERC20" ; name : "vaultSharesToken" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "address" ; name : "linkerFactory" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "bytes32" ; name : "linkerCodeHash" ; type : "bytes32" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "initialVaultSharePrice" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "minimumShareReserves" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "minimumTransactionAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "positionDuration" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "checkpointDuration" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "timeStretch" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "address" ; name : "governance" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "address" ; name : "feeCollector" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "address" ; name : "sweepCollector" ; type : "address" }, { components : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "curve" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "flat" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "governanceLP" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "governanceZombie" ; type : "uint256" }] ; internalType : "struct IHyperdrive.Fees" ; name : "fees" ; type : "tuple" }] ; internalType : "struct IHyperdrive.PoolConfig" ; name : "" ; type : "tuple" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "getPoolInfo" ; outputs : readonly [{ components : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "shareReserves" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "int256" ; name : "shareAdjustment" ; type : "int256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "zombieBaseProceeds" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "zombieShareReserves" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "bondReserves" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "lpTotalSupply" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "vaultSharePrice" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "longsOutstanding" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "longAverageMaturityTime" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "shortsOutstanding" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "shortAverageMaturityTime" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "withdrawalSharesReadyToWithdraw" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "withdrawalSharesProceeds" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "lpSharePrice" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "longExposure" ; type : "uint256" }] ; internalType : "struct IHyperdrive.PoolInfo" ; name : "" ; type : "tuple" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "getUncollectedGovernanceFees" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "" ; type : "uint256" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "getWithdrawPool" ; outputs : readonly [{ components : readonly [{ internalType : "uint128" ; name : "readyToWithdraw" ; type : "uint128" }, { internalType : "uint128" ; name : "proceeds" ; type : "uint128" }] ; internalType : "struct IHyperdrive.WithdrawPool" ; name : "" ; type : "tuple" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_contribution" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_apr" ; type : "uint256" }, { components : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "destination" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "bool" ; name : "asBase" ; type : "bool" }, { internalType : "bytes" ; name : "extraData" ; type : "bytes" }] ; internalType : "struct IHyperdrive.Options" ; name : "_options" ; type : "tuple" }] ; name : "initialize" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "lpShares" ; type : "uint256" }] ; stateMutability : "payable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "owner" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "address" ; name : "spender" ; type : "address" }] ; name : "isApprovedForAll" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "bool" ; name : "" ; type : "bool" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "_account" ; type : "address" }] ; name : "isPauser" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "bool" ; name : "" ; type : "bool" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256[]" ; name : "_slots" ; type : "uint256[]" }] ; name : "load" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "bytes32[]" ; name : "" ; type : "bytes32[]" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "tokenId" ; type : "uint256" }] ; name : "name" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "string" ; name : "" ; type : "string" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "owner" ; type : "address" }] ; name : "nonces" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "" ; type : "uint256" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_amount" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_minOutput" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_minVaultSharePrice" ; type : "uint256" }, { components : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "destination" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "bool" ; name : "asBase" ; type : "bool" }, { internalType : "bytes" ; name : "extraData" ; type : "bytes" }] ; internalType : "struct IHyperdrive.Options" ; name : "_options" ; type : "tuple" }] ; name : "openLong" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "maturityTime" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "bondProceeds" ; type : "uint256" }] ; stateMutability : "payable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_bondAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_maxDeposit" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_minVaultSharePrice" ; type : "uint256" }, { components : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "destination" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "bool" ; name : "asBase" ; type : "bool" }, { internalType : "bytes" ; name : "extraData" ; type : "bytes" }] ; internalType : "struct IHyperdrive.Options" ; name : "_options" ; type : "tuple" }] ; name : "openShort" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "maturityTime" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "deposit" ; type : "uint256" }] ; stateMutability : "payable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "bool" ; name : "_status" ; type : "bool" }] ; name : "pause" ; outputs : readonly [] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "tokenId" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "address" ; name : "owner" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "address" ; name : "spender" ; type : "address" }] ; name : "perTokenApprovals" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "" ; type : "uint256" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "owner" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "address" ; name : "spender" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "bool" ; name : "_approved" ; type : "bool" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "deadline" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint8" ; name : "v" ; type : "uint8" }, { internalType : "bytes32" ; name : "r" ; type : "bytes32" }, { internalType : "bytes32" ; name : "s" ; type : "bytes32" }] ; name : "permitForAll" ; outputs : readonly [] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_withdrawalShares" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_minOutputPerShare" ; type : "uint256" }, { components : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "destination" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "bool" ; name : "asBase" ; type : "bool" }, { internalType : "bytes" ; name : "extraData" ; type : "bytes" }] ; internalType : "struct IHyperdrive.Options" ; name : "_options" ; type : "tuple" }] ; name : "redeemWithdrawalShares" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "proceeds" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "withdrawalSharesRedeemed" ; type : "uint256" }] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_lpShares" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "_minOutputPerShare" ; type : "uint256" }, { components : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "destination" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "bool" ; name : "asBase" ; type : "bool" }, { internalType : "bytes" ; name : "extraData" ; type : "bytes" }] ; internalType : "struct IHyperdrive.Options" ; name : "_options" ; type : "tuple" }] ; name : "removeLiquidity" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "proceeds" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "withdrawalShares" ; type : "uint256" }] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "tokenID" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "address" ; name : "operator" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "amount" ; type : "uint256" }] ; name : "setApproval" ; outputs : readonly [] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "tokenID" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "address" ; name : "operator" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "amount" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "address" ; name : "caller" ; type : "address" }] ; name : "setApprovalBridge" ; outputs : readonly [] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "operator" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "bool" ; name : "approved" ; type : "bool" }] ; name : "setApprovalForAll" ; outputs : readonly [] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "_who" ; type : "address" }] ; name : "setFeeCollector" ; outputs : readonly [] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "_who" ; type : "address" }] ; name : "setGovernance" ; outputs : readonly [] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "who" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "bool" ; name : "status" ; type : "bool" }] ; name : "setPauser" ; outputs : readonly [] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "_who" ; type : "address" }] ; name : "setSweepCollector" ; outputs : readonly [] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "contract IERC20" ; name : "_target" ; type : "address" }] ; name : "sweep" ; outputs : readonly [] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "tokenId" ; type : "uint256" }] ; name : "symbol" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "string" ; name : "" ; type : "string" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "target0" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "" ; type : "address" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "target1" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "" ; type : "address" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "target2" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "" ; type : "address" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "target3" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "" ; type : "address" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "target4" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "" ; type : "address" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "tokenId" ; type : "uint256" }] ; name : "totalSupply" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "" ; type : "uint256" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "tokenID" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "address" ; name : "from" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "address" ; name : "to" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "amount" ; type : "uint256" }] ; name : "transferFrom" ; outputs : readonly [] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "uint256" ; name : "tokenID" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "address" ; name : "from" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "address" ; name : "to" ; type : "address" }, { internalType : "uint256" ; name : "amount" ; type : "uint256" }, { internalType : "address" ; name : "caller" ; type : "address" }] ; name : "transferFromBridge" ; outputs : readonly [] ; stateMutability : "nonpayable" ; type : "function" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "vaultSharesToken" ; outputs : readonly [{ internalType : "address" ; name : "" ; type : "address" }] ; stateMutability : "view" ; type : "function" }, { anonymous : false ; inputs : readonly [{ indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "provider" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "lpAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "baseAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "vaultShareAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "bool" ; name : "asBase" ; type : "bool" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "lpSharePrice" ; type : "uint256" }] ; name : "AddLiquidity" ; type : "event" }, { anonymous : false ; inputs : readonly [{ indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "owner" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "spender" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "value" ; type : "uint256" }] ; name : "Approval" ; type : "event" }, { anonymous : false ; inputs : readonly [{ indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "account" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "operator" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "bool" ; name : "approved" ; type : "bool" }] ; name : "ApprovalForAll" ; type : "event" }, { anonymous : false ; inputs : readonly [{ indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "trader" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "destination" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : true ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "assetId" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "maturityTime" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "baseAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "vaultShareAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "bool" ; name : "asBase" ; type : "bool" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "bondAmount" ; type : "uint256" }] ; name : "CloseLong" ; type : "event" }, { anonymous : false ; inputs : readonly [{ indexed : true ; 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type : "uint256" }] ; name : "CollectGovernanceFee" ; type : "event" }, { anonymous : false ; inputs : readonly [{ indexed : true ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "checkpointTime" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "checkpointVaultSharePrice" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "vaultSharePrice" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "maturedShorts" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "maturedLongs" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "lpSharePrice" ; type : "uint256" }] ; name : "CreateCheckpoint" ; type : "event" }, { anonymous : false ; inputs : readonly [{ indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "newFeeCollector" ; type : "address" }] ; name : "FeeCollectorUpdated" ; type : "event" }, { anonymous : false ; inputs : readonly [{ indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "newGovernance" ; type : "address" }] ; name : "GovernanceUpdated" ; type : "event" }, { anonymous : false ; inputs : readonly [{ indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "provider" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "lpAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "baseAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "vaultShareAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "bool" ; name : "asBase" ; type : "bool" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "apr" ; type : "uint256" }] ; name : "Initialize" ; type : "event" }, { anonymous : false ; inputs : readonly [{ indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "trader" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : true ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "assetId" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "maturityTime" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "baseAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "vaultShareAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "bool" ; name : "asBase" ; type : "bool" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "bondAmount" ; type : "uint256" }] ; name : "OpenLong" ; type : "event" }, { anonymous : false ; inputs : readonly [{ indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "trader" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : true ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "assetId" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "maturityTime" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "baseAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "vaultShareAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "bool" ; name : "asBase" ; type : "bool" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "baseProceeds" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "bondAmount" ; type : "uint256" }] ; name : "OpenShort" ; type : "event" }, { anonymous : false ; inputs : readonly [{ indexed : false ; internalType : "bool" ; name : "isPaused" ; type : "bool" }] ; name : "PauseStatusUpdated" ; type : "event" }, { anonymous : false ; inputs : readonly [{ indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "newPauser" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "bool" ; name : "status" ; type : "bool" }] ; name : "PauserUpdated" ; type : "event" }, { anonymous : false ; inputs : readonly [{ indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "provider" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "destination" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "withdrawalShareAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "baseAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "vaultShareAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "bool" ; name : "asBase" ; type : "bool" }] ; name : "RedeemWithdrawalShares" ; type : "event" }, { anonymous : false ; inputs : readonly [{ indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "provider" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "destination" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "lpAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "baseAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "vaultShareAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "bool" ; name : "asBase" ; type : "bool" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "withdrawalShareAmount" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "lpSharePrice" ; type : "uint256" }] ; name : "RemoveLiquidity" ; type : "event" }, { anonymous : false ; inputs : readonly [{ indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "collector" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "target" ; type : "address" }] ; name : "Sweep" ; type : "event" }, { anonymous : false ; inputs : readonly [{ indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "newSweepCollector" ; type : "address" }] ; name : "SweepCollectorUpdated" ; type : "event" }, { anonymous : false ; inputs : readonly [{ indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "operator" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "from" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : true ; internalType : "address" ; name : "to" ; type : "address" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "id" ; type : "uint256" }, { indexed : false ; internalType : "uint256" ; name : "value" ; type : "uint256" }] ; name : "TransferSingle" ; type : "event" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "BatchInputLengthMismatch" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "BelowMinimumContribution" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "DecreasedPresentValueWhenAddingLiquidity" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "DistributeExcessIdleFailed" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "ExpInvalidExponent" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "ExpiredDeadline" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "InsufficientBalance" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "InsufficientLiquidity" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "InvalidApr" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "InvalidCheckpointTime" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "InvalidERC20Bridge" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "InvalidFeeDestination" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "InvalidInitialVaultSharePrice" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "InvalidLPSharePrice" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "InvalidPresentValue" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "InvalidSignature" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "InvalidTimestamp" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "LnInvalidInput" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "MinimumSharePrice" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "MinimumTransactionAmount" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "NotPayable" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "OutputLimit" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "PoolAlreadyInitialized" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "PoolIsPaused" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "RestrictedZeroAddress" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [{ internalType : "bytes" ; name : "data" ; type : "bytes" }] ; name : "ReturnData" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "SweepFailed" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "TransferFailed" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "Unauthorized" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "UnexpectedSuccess" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "UnsafeCastToInt128" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "UnsafeCastToInt256" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "UnsafeCastToUint112" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "UnsafeCastToUint128" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "UnsupportedToken" ; type : "error" }, { inputs : readonly [] ; name : "UpdateLiquidityFailed" ; type : "error" }], "CreateCheckpoint" > |
Inherited from
readStEthHyperdriveMixin( ReadHyperdrive, ).getCheckpointEvents
Defined in
▸ getCheckpointExposure(«destructured»
): Promise
Name | Type |
«destructured» | Object |
› checkpointId | bigint |
› options? | ContractReadOptions |
Inherited from
readStEthHyperdriveMixin( ReadHyperdrive, ).getCheckpointExposure
Defined in
▸ getClosedLongs(«destructured»
): Promise
Gets the closed longs by a specific user.
Name | Type |
«destructured» | Object |